29 de June de 2022

Madrid, 29 June 2022. AGRENVEC joins BIOVEGEN sponsoring the meeting “Technologies and opportunities in the agro biotech sector”.

Agrenvec joins BIOVEGEN, the Spanish Technology Platform for Plant Biotechnology, a public-private partnership, led by the business sector, which brings together entities from the agrifood sector with an interest in R+D+i in applied Plant Biology and supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. BIOVEGEN objective is to improve the Spanish agrifood sector competitiveness through the incorporation of new technologies based on Plant Biology: ...

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17 de May de 2022

Madrid, 17 May 2022. AGRENVEC attending Food for Future  2nd edition

For the first time, Agrenvec will be attending this Foodtech World Summit in Bilbao. Visitors from more than 25 countries will discover the latest innovations and technological solutions that are transforming the food and beverage industry during this edition of Food 4 Future. Agrenvec is introducing the concept “Molecular farming for Cellular farming”.

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